Yurt Raising August 2022

Two Augusts ago we were getting ready for our yurts to arrive! I had ordered 2 yurts, each 22 foot in diameter, from Groovy Yurts. We had built the frames that would go under the insulated decks and cut down several trees that were either in the way, or becoming unsafe as they aged. I had such a wonderful dedicated staff (and still do) plus friends and family that helped prepare the sites. I am ever grateful to Jess at Rail River Folk School for allowing me to rent property and build yurts for our Outdoor School.

The big day arrived! The semi pulled in with Yves from Groovy Yurts and our 2 yurts were unloaded. My husband and I went early that morning to do some pre-work and then get started on the deck installation. Volunteers began to trickle in by 9:00 am and with a crew of about 10 volunteers plus Yves to guide us, we raised 2 yurts in 10 hours. A huge thank you to local yurt experts, Sarah Wilson and husband Scott Jorgenson, who worked all day non-stop. Others with knowledge of yurts were there too, as well as others of us with very little knowledge, but ready to work hard. We all came together and got it done!

The day was long and exhausting, but it was one of the most memorable and fulfilling days of my life. To have a dream and see it take shape before your eyes over 10 hours with others that support you -that is truly a wonderful experience.

The multi-cultural sharing was a beautiful part of the experience as well. Yves is originally from Switzerland and spoke French and German and English and shared with us about his travels and the Mongolian culture that the yurts had come from. One of the reasons that I chose Groovy Yurts is that they are handmade by Mongolian families. Honor and respect for Indigenous culture has been a part of Apple Blossom’s values and mission statement since the beginning, so this was an easy choice. The yurts or gers as they are more correctly called, are a beautiful teaching tool in themselves. The children quickly learned to step over the door frame and walk clockwise. Similar to Anishinaabe teachings when inside a lodge. Each part of the yurt has significance, connecting the sky and the earth, the toono or dome open to the sky, and the huns or rafters forming rays like the sun.

More reasons for choosing Groovy Yurts is listed on their website and fit so well with our Apple Blossom values:

  • Mostly natural and organic materials

  • It’s more comfortable : with its unique construction and material, the yurt naturally breathes.

  • Easy to move and install

  • It has a spirit!

  • It is so wonderfully decorated, – it’s a hand made work of art.

  • Nothing beats the felt for insulating this compact structure. It keeps it warm in the Winter, but maintains it cool in the Summer.

  • More energy efficient!

When our long day of work was done, Yves presented me with a blue silk scarf, a khata,(blue for the sky) that is a traditional sign of welcome and departure in a Mongolian Yurt and it is hung near the doorway from the huns or roof rafters. What a special end to a special day.

Click here to read more about Groovy Yurts and their company story!